In-house Delivery

In the rapidly changing world of sales, a one-size-fits-all approach often falls short. Recognising this, we at Actualize Global Ltd have crafted a bespoke sales and negotiation training solution that not only meets your unique business needs but also equips your internal team to lead the charge.

We offer three Train the Trainer (TTT) packages to enable your facilitators to deliver our next-generation Partnership Sales and Negotiation Skills programs. In each instance, we work alongside our clients to customise the content, aligning it with current sales practices.

We then offer further options to integrate a powerful, sustainable sales education system within your organisation. This offering is more than just training; it's an investment in your team's ongoing capability to drive sales and negotiation excellence from within.


Program materials only

  • Work with client to identify appropriate program structure to align with current sales practices and processes

  • Agree on program design, format and duration

  • Create bespoke business-based case studies

  • Internal facilitator fit criteria based on content, context and experience

  • Agreement with client on who will be the internal lead facilitators and delivery faculty

  • Delivery guide and program materials sent to faculty

  • Master Trainer upskilling videos reviewed by faculty

  • Virtual walkthrough session with Master Trainer

  • Q&A session for clarity


Program materials and TTT

Silver option adds:

  • Faculty to experience full program as participants

  • TTT session with teach back of key content by facilitator to Master Trainer


Program materials, TTT and accreditation

Gold option adds:

  • Support from Master Trainer on initial delivery

  • Accreditation of faculty with development areas noted

  • Quality Assurance observation after 3 months or on 4th delivery